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Good ole' farm vets.   I love them!


A dying breed; hard to find these days. These great veterinarians know EVERYTHING! They have seen it all, and face it, there are only so many diseases and ailments an animal can get, that after a certain number of years, these doctors can walk onto a farm and see or smell the problem right away. And while they are at the farm, they will care for any family pets at the same no extra charge.


Being a farm vet is not easy. They have to traipse through muddy fields in pouring rain at all hours of the night or day to help a sheep or cow deliver a young one...and they tend to the problem without any high tech equipment. Fortunately, a few dedicated vet students are still planning on a practice with large animals, but not enough of them..And once they start raising their own (human ) young ones, might opt for a chushy small aniimal practice witih 9-5 hours.


What is happening is not good ...for the animals or we, the people..  Not only are poor cows fed hormones to produce more milk, often causing mastitis....but many never get to live a normal bovine life....they never see natural daylight or the setting sun....they never leave the barn or stanchions. At "modern" farms, milkers are implanted with microchips which are connected to computers, and there food drops down to them according their weight, state of gestation, whatever. Their teats are mechanically disinfected and attached to the milking machines. Never a kind word or carress for the work they do.


And the saddest part is that COW'S MILK is bad for humans , causing allergies and worse. COW'S MILK is for COWS! and let's not forget it.

Equine Vets Another breed of veterinarian that I greatly admire. Like Farm Vets, they have to go out in all kinds of weather and conditions, often with minimal equipment, However, horses are usually kept in a cleaner barn or confined area. Their patients may range from fancy expensive show horses down to the old back yard pony.  Lucky for these vets, they rarely have to go into a herd and single out the one needing care.

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